🎥 [Event] Covalent and Blocknative speak on Mempool and Blockchain Data Analytics at Gitcoin Kernel | Covalent

The founders of Covalent (Ganesh Swami) and Blocknative (Chris Meisl) come together to share insights on blockchain data. There are two parts to the presentation: 1) Chris shares how data gets onto the blockchain and 2) Ganesh shares how data can be extracted from the blockchain.

🎥 [Event] Covalent and Blocknative speak on Mempool and Blockchain Data Analytics at Gitcoin Kernel

Aug 11, 2020

The founders of Covalent (Ganesh Swami) and Blocknative (Chris Meisl) come together to share insights on blockchain data. There are two parts to the presentation: 1) Chris shares how data gets onto the blockchain and 2) Ganesh shares how data can be extracted from the blockchain.

Talk: Blockchain data with Chris (Blocknative) and Ganesh (Covalent)

Ganesh Swami

Co-founder, CEO, Covalent

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